
Sato Kinbei

Sato Kinbei(1925-1999)

Introduction by Sato Kinbei

There seems to be a resurgence of interest in traditionalmartial arts recently, something I think is a very good trend. Vicissitudesaccompany the change of ages. As in the words of the I Ching, heat andcold come and pass, engendering the four seasons. But though the seasonschange perpetually, the years remain constant. I have always soughtthat which does not change with the seasons, that which is constantin the midst of constant flux. In this pursuit, I have expanded my studiesfrom Jujustu, to Chinese martial arts, to chin-na, to pressure points,to chi-gung, and finally to Taoism. Anybody can learn to combine thetechniques of reversals, throws, locks, thrusts, and kicks. The integrationof my jujustu with chi-na and other martial arts is slowly coming tofruition, and its completion as a method for bare-handed fighting orwith weapons is near. The greatest truth about Eastern martial artsis that they transcend mere methods for battle to become paths for knowledgeof the world and oneself. Jujutsu and Chinese martial arts make up thepath that I have pursued and that have guided my life.
(from Yawara to Ken to Michi, by Sato Kinbei)

Sato Kinbei’s History

Born in 1925 in Fukushima prefecture, Japan. Graduated from TohokuUniversity Department of Medicine with Ph.D. in medicine. Master ofTraditional Japanese Martial Arts, 4th generation lineage holder inBa Gua Zhang. Interested in martial arts since childhood. Has been teachingarrest techniques to police officers at Japan Police College since 1954.Opened up his own dojo in Itabashi, Tokyo in 1958 which is still activetoday. Positions held include Chairman of the All Japan Chinese MartialArts Federation, Head of Japanese Daiwa-do Strategy Headquarters, HonoraryChairman of the Beijing Ba Gua Zhang Research Society, Honorary Advisorto the Eastern Chi Gung Society (Beijing), and Advisor to the BeijingMartial Chi Gung Society. Published titles include Tai Chi Chuan, BaGua Zhang, Hsing I Chuan, Shaolin Boxing, Chi Gung, A History of ChineseMartial Arts, Practical Ba Gua Zhang, Practical Chin-na, Practical PressurePoints, and Yawara to Ken to Michi, as well as numerous essays. He diedin 1999 at Tokyo.

Proficient Arts

Sato Kinbei is proficient in and licensed to teach the followingarts:

Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Araki Shin-ryu Jujutsu, Itten Ryushin Tyukai-ryuJujutsu (Isshin-ryu, Ryushin Tyukai-ryu, Tenshin Shin Yo-ryu), Yagyu Shingan-ryuHeijutsu, Asayama Ichiden-ryu Taijustu, Kyuki Shin-ryu Bojutsu, TakagiYo Shin-ryu Jujustu, Gikan-ryu Koppo, Takeda-ryu Aiki-no-Jutsu, and Kageyama-ryuKenjutsu.

Hsing I Chuan, Ba Ji Chuan, Ba Gua Zhang, Chen Pan-Ling Tai Chi Chuan,White Crane, and Fu Jian Province Shaolin Golden Hawk. Of particular note,Sato Kinbei is the only 4th generation Ba Gua Zhang lineage holder inJapan. About of the Different Kinds of Jujutsu Sato Kinbei has Learned

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